Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Nothing happens, and nothing happens, and then everything happens~fay weldon

We just received an email from Susan Holmgren, our caseworker at Adoption Advocates International. We have a court date and a tentative travel time to pick up our girls. The Ethiopian courts are scheduled to review our file on December 21. That means that a tentative travel time will be mid to late January. There is a possibility that we might not pass court on that day. It has happened that there were papers missing, or a relative did not show up. Most cases go through with no problems...but there is always that chance.

I can’t explain how exciting and stressful is to get an update like this, even if the time seems far away. Yikes! On one hand, we’d love to get past the waiting stage and get our daughters into our home. On the other hand, we’re happy Genet (the six-year-old) and Bizayehu (who is eight) don’t have to come over here during the craziness of Christmas.

Susan also met our girls during a recent trip to Layla House. She said: “I met them both when I was at Layla House. Absolutely beautiful! Genet was a charmer and definitely a favorite at Wanna. Bizayehu was more reserved, but did want to know if I knew her mother! Her English was not advanced enough to have an in-depth conversation about her new family, so she had an older child ask the questions for her. I explained that I knew her parents and brothers and had been to their home. She was excited!”

Please keep us all in your prayers, especially these girls.



Anna vB said...

this is such exciting news. thanks for keeping us up to date with your blog. can't wait to meet your daugthers and see you again!

Anonymous said...

YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WE are so excited for you guys!!!

Anonymous said...

Reading some Ethiopian proverbs tonight...two really stood out to quote to you:

~ Living is worthless for one without
a home.

~ Anticipate the good so that you may
enjoy it.

We are excited and looking very forward to meeting your daughters !

We love you,
E and D

Anonymous said...


As I've told you before, I wish I could go with experience it firsthand and to hold your hand. I am so excited for your family and am so looking forward to meeting your daughters. I can't wait to be a part of their lives! Girly stuff is SO CUTE! :-) I will keep your family in my prayers and can't wait to make new memories that involve your GIRLS!

Love you,
Agent Arlettuce