Saturday, June 23, 2007

chewing my nails

The wait has begun! AAI has our 2nd packet of paperwork and we will be getting a call soon (I hope) to schedule a homestudy. I am pacing around waiting...waiting...... We also do need to get our Dr. appointments out of the way. That is pretty much the last thing we need to do for this round of paperwork. The really weird thing about this is that you do get to see the breadth of your life, from how your friends think of you to how much you are worth monitarily. I have been blessed as I have read the references that my friends have written. We have also told our families. This was exciting and hard, especially since we have gone through so much with another foster-to-adopt situation. I know they are worried that we aren't hurt again, but have supported us and seem excited/and or excited for us.

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