Thursday, August 23, 2007

The wheels on the process go 'round and 'round.....

Very Very Slowly..........................

But we got great news today!

Our Dossier was put into final form and it will be shipped to Ethiopia in the morning. We have been added to the child referral waiting list. There are several other families requesting children in the same age range as our family who had their Dossiers sent to Ethiopia in the last two months.

That is nerve wracking....but there is nuttin to do but wait.

Approximately 30 children will be joining their adoptive families in the coming month. This will leave additional room at Layla House for new children to be admitted. A new waiting child video will be put together and should be available in mid to late September and we have been added to the video shipping list.

We have enough to do in the next few weeks into September with Viggo our newest addition, PTA, soccer, school, Cross Country, so I guess this is good. I have faith that the right children are out there for us. I reluctantly put it into God's hands....LOL


Anonymous said...

You didn't tell me about this! How exciting!! Good thing I read your blog, huh? :-)

Love ya,

DK N WA said...

Ditto! :)